
Markets Start Second Half of Year in the Right Direction
Inflation Cools, Raising Hopes for a Fed Rate Cut
Mid-year Market Review - "Soft Landing" Scenario Playing Out
Solid First Half: Will the 3rd Quarter Shine?
Nvidia's Boom: Have You Missed Out?
Achieving Victory on the Inflation Course
Data-Driven Strategy for a Winning Portfolio Game Plan
New Change Brings Benefits to the Investment World
Cutting Through the Noise
Return of the Meme Stocks
Interest Rates: Taking the Steps Up and the Elevator Down
New Labor Data Signal Economic Balance May Be Strengthening
An Emerging Trend: Betting on No Rate Cuts in 2024
How to Master the Psychology of Judgement in Investing
Spring Cleaning:  Time to Cultivate Your Financial Plan
Look What's on the Verge of a Major 40,000 Milestone
Unveiling the Fed: Journey from 'The Great Oz' to Transparency
Like College Basketball and the Weather, Inflation is Heating Up
Market Volatility Ahead: What the Economy Is Telling Us Now
Skyrocketing College Tuition - What Can You Do to Better Prepare?
Unused 529 Plan Money? Consider the New Roth IRA Rollover Option
Inflation Reality Makes For More Of The Same Rate Scene
How Sustainable Is The Consumer Spending Spree?
Applying Yogi Berra's Wisdom To Unlock The Fed's Playbook
Vital Markers On the Path Through our Economic Landscape
A Game Plan For Success: Portfolio Rebalancing
The Latest CPI: More Shoveling of Inflation is Needed
Empower Your Wealth: Unveiling Investment Insights For Long-Term Prosperity
2023 Reflection: A Positive Year Amidst Stock Surges and Fixed Income Resilience
One Word Describes the 2023 U.S. Economy: Resilient
Possible Fed Pivot: Has the Rate Forecast Shifted?
Will Santa Leave a Soft Landing Under the Tree?
Knock on Wood - It Looks Like a Strong Finish for 2023
Lights, Thanks, and Sales: The Economic Significance of the Holiday Spirit
The Market's Silent Response to Middle East Turmoil: Uncovering the Clues
2024 Financial Changes: Boosting Social Security, HSA, and Retirement Savings
The Fed's Playbook: Analyzing the Impact of Monetary Policy on the Economy
The U.S. Economy Continues to Power Ahead ... For Now
“The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create It”
How Will Turmoil in the Middle East Impact the Market?
Heading For a Soft(ish) Landing Even Without Long Term Budget Solution
Interest Rates Unchanged, But “Higher For Longer” Is the New Narrative
Anticipating the Tides: Will The Fed Hit Pause on Interest Rate Hikes?
An Emerging Case for A “No Landing” Scenario in the U.S. Economy
Will a Cooling Labor Market Translate to Cooling Interest Rates?
Fed Policy: “Move Softly and Carry a Big Stick”
Savers Enjoy Short and Long-Term Rewards, But Borrowers Beware
Time For Glasses?  US Fiscal Management Looks to be Short-Sighted
Markets Calm and Confident Despite Downgrade in U.S. Debt Rating
Rate Hikes...Are We There Yet?
Invest Like A Bull, You Could Get the Horns
Second Quarter Earnings Season is Here!  Should We Expect An Encore?
Mid-Year Market Review: “Long-Term Challenges Remain”
The AI Revolution: Sound Long Term Investment or An Asset Bubble?
Cautionary Pause In Rates Boosts Market Confidence, But Cuts Remain Elusive
Could You Pay a Surprise $400 Expense? More Than Half of Americans Say No
The Iowa Homestead Tax Exemption: Deadline to Apply July 1, 2023
With the Debt Debate Behind Us, the Focus Returns To the Fed
One Casualty in the Inflation Fight: U.S. Household Debt
Is A Soft Landing For the U.S. Economy Probable?
Debt Ceiling Debate: Here’s What It Means for the Economy
Baseball Strategy: Surprisingly, An Effective Home Run For Investments Too
Economic Predictions Are About As Reliable As Forecasting the Weather
“In Investing, What Is Comfortable Is Rarely Profitable.”
Oh, the Prices We Pay: Is Cautious Optimism Too Much To Hope For?
Cooler Labor Numbers, But Likely Still Hot Enough to Continue Rate Hikes
The Yield Curve As An Economic Barometer
The Dual Purpose of the Rate Hike
Bank Soundness vs. Inflation Control: Keeping the Air in Both
What went wrong with Silicon Valley Bank?
Improved Outlooks Boost the Appeal For Bonds
“Predicting is Hard, Especially About the Future…”
Don't Fight the Fed? The Markets Just Got a Reminder
If Inflation is Going Down, Why Are Eggs Still Expensive? Disinflation, Explained:
When Will Enough “Good News” Tip the “Great News” Scale?
Diversifying Your Portfolio in 2023 is as Important as Ever
Will Overcorrection Ultimately Bring Inflation Down or Lead to a Recession?
How the New 401(k) Law Impacts Your Retirement Savings
The Willing Suspension of Disbelief...
Could an Economic Recovery be our Gift for 2023?
A Big Week for the Markets - Will Optimism be Detoured?
Job Market Remains Tight Despite the Fed's Efforts
Market Sneak Peek: Could Uptick In Holiday Shopping Be an Early Gift?
Silver Linings Investors Can Be Thankful For
Inflation: One Promising Report Does Not Equal a Trend
Everything Looks Like a Nail
Positive Third Quarter GDP: Trick or Treat?
3 Ways Inflation Can Be Good For Your Savings
Have We Reached the Bottom of the Bear?
Employment Numbers:  A Case of Good News/ Bad News
Economic & Market Commentary: “The End of the Beginning”
Fed Watch: Hopes Dashed for a "Powell Pivot"
You Can't Make This Stuff Up...
The U.S. dollar is mighty right now. Here's why it matters:
Breaking down the latest labor report (and what it means for the Fed)
How will mid-term elections affect the market?
The market is on its longest winning streak since November. Will it continue?
Are we in a recession or not?
Investor's Manifesto: A Beginners Guide to Investing
What a tree can teach us about investing
Turning Gloom Into Bloom
Investors: Keep Your Eye on the Ball
Has Diversification Struck Out?
A Wild Week in the Markets
Pour a Cup of Coffee, Sit Back, and Put Things in Context
Are You Investing? Here's an Important Bias to Recognize
Market Downturn: Have We Reached The Bottom Yet?
Recession in 2022? Here's why the risk remains "relatively low"
Value Investing as a Hedge Against Inflation
What Caused Last Week's Volatility? Our View on the Markets:
Exactly how grim was last week's GDP report?
"That 70's Show" - Produced and Directed by the Federal Reserve
Hotter Inflation: What Will The Fed Do To Fight It?
Answers to the 6 Retirement Questions We Hear Most Often
Time in the Market vs. Timing the Market
Does an Inverted Yield Curve Mean Recession? Not Necessarily
Backdoor Roth IRA: How to Build Your Nest Egg with an Accepted Tax Loophole
How Inflation and Volatility Can Be Your ... Friends?
How Does Iowa's New Flat Tax Benefit You?
Sometimes There's No Place to Hide
How to Invest During Chaotic Times
One Secret to Stopping Inflation? Getting Back to Work
Inflation Starting 2022 on a Hot Note
Does the "January Effect" Still Exist?
Is the Fed Prepared to Drive Through the Snowstorm?
What Happened to the Markets Last Week?
What's the Outlook for Inflation in 2022?
Year-End Investment Recap and 2022 Outlook
2021: The Year of Meme Stocks, Return of Inflation and a Worker Shortage
Payroll vs. Unemployment Numbers: Why Don't They Add Up?
Will inflation, supply shortages dampen the holiday shopping spirit?
Inflation and the Stock Market: A Brief History (and a Prediction)
The Official Taper Announcement
How to take the fright out of investing
Do you have a "nothing lasts forever" investment strategy?
What Really Drives Economic Growth?
Investing Can Reflect Moral Values - and Higher Portfolio Values, Too
Your Portfolio Needs a Wellness Checkup, Too
The Flip Side of the FOMC Dual Mandate
Inflation Transitions and How They Are Influenced
Financial Planning vs. Saving For Retirement: What's the Difference?
Vaccinating America: An Economic Driver
New Year, New Portfolio: Why Rebalancing is So Important
Unwrapping the Gift of Capital Gain Distributions
6 Life and Death Documents Every Person Should Have
November, 2020; A Month to Remember
How Do Presidential Elections Affect the Stock Market?
Value vs. Dividend: What's Your Stock Market Game Plan?
Do you understand the financial risks you are taking?
Retiring Early? 9 Things to Consider Before Calling It Quits
Index Concentrations - Are all your eggs in one basket?
The Stock Market's Wild Ride
Death and Passwords: How to Gain Access to a Loved One's Digital Assets
How to Stay Ahead of Inflation in Your Investments
How to Stay a Disciplined Investor During Volatile Times
Rebalancing Your Portfolio, in Times of Uncertainty
What is the Best State for Your Trust? Let's Take a Look:
Good Investment Principles Are More Important Than Predictions
The Big Business of the Super Bowl (and a Super Sunday Superstition)
Balancing Act: When Rebalancing Your Portfolio Makes the Most Sense
Why Diversification Matters in Investing
Correlation is not causation, unless it is ...
A 2-Minute History Lesson to Make You a Better Investor
Are Your Emotions Hurting Your Retirement Savings?
Could Your Portfolio Reflect Your Values?
"Shock-tober?" A Closer Look at the Stock Market's Spookiest Month
Answers to 3 of the Retirement Questions That We Hear Most Often
How Much Credit (or Blame) Should a President Get on the Economy?
Inverted Yield Curve: A Dashboard Indicator for the Markets?
Sir Isaac Newton on Investing (or, Where's the Value in Growth?)
How the Strength of the Dollar Affects the U.S. Economy
When it Comes to Investing, "Home Country Bias" Hits Even Closer to Home
Growth vs. Value Investing: The Difference Has Never Been So Extreme
Roth vs. Traditional 401(k): How to Decide Which Retirement Plan is Better For You
A Personal Note: Why Everything Matters
How Long Can The Current Bull Market Last?
Two of the Most Important Investment Charts You'll Ever See
The Yield Curve: What it is, and Why it Matters to You
What a "State of Wall Street" Address Would Sound Like
Diversification: An Investment Strategy for All Seasons
Why Should You Stay Invested During Market Corrections?
What the Price-Earnings (P/E) Ratio Tells Us About the Market
What Happens When the Stock Market and Bonds Fall Together?
Your Portfolio: Why Minimizing Your Losses is More Important Than Maximizing Gain
What is Confirmation Bias, and How Does It Affect Your Investments?
3 Important Money Lessons Your Children Need to Know
Market Volatility: The Best Offense is a Good Defense
How to Set Short-Term and Long-Term Financial Goals
Diversification is Such a Drag ... And That's a Good Thing For Your Portfolio
How to Avoid Inheritance Conflicts (4 Helpful Tips)
What Every Caregiver Needs to Know About Power of Attorney
How Using Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Can Help Minimize Your Taxes
What's The Difference Between Saving and Investing?
Is the Role of the Active Manager Obsolete?
How to Chart a Course Amid Market Volatility
Would You Benefit From A Trust?
Lifecycle Funds: Let Them "Do Their Thing"
Recoveries Do Not Die of Old Age!
How Following Your Values Can Impact Your Investments
More on the Legislation that Could Alter your Retirement Savings
How to Prepare Financially for Parenthood
6 Key Things to Understand on Your Investment Statement
Four Keys to Making Your Budget Work Harder
Counting on Social Security for Retirement? Here's Why That's a Dangerous Path
Why You Should Consider CDs for Your Investment Portfolio
3 Investment Mistakes to Sidestep in Your Portfolio
Confessions of a Math Nerd: Why Bonds are So Fascinating
Your Legacy Plan: How to Leave Behind More Than Money
A Trust That Goes on Forever? Understanding Dynasty Trusts
Passing the Baton to the Next Generation
Retirees and Financial Scams: How to Protect Yourself
Investment Basics: Diversification: A Tool to Temper Risk
What is a Fiduciary and Why Should You Care?
Investment Basics: Planning the Withdrawal of Your Retirement Assets
Investment Basics: A Win-Win Legacy Strategy
Top-Down, Bottom-Up, or Both?
The Return of Yield: Interest Rates and Your Portfolio
Investment Basics: Tax Strategies for Retirees
Investment Basics: Diversification - The Tax Angle
Investment Volatility - Stick to the Travel Plan and Stay the Course
Investment Basics: Incentive Trusts -- Keeping a Steady Hand on the Tiller
Investment Basics: How Mutual Fund Investments Are Taxed
What's It Worth to You?
Built to Last
Investment Basics: Can You Contribute More?
Have You Explored Every Corner of Your Retirement Plan?
Millennials Have Better Savings Habits Than You Think
Investment Basics: Above-the-Line Deductions: Can You Benefit?
Investment Basics: Buy and Hold: A Good Strategy?
Market Volatility - A Balanced Approach
Investment Basics: Digital Assets and Your Estate Plan
At the Intersection of Economics and Politics
Investment Basics: High-Yield Bonds: Weight the Risks
3 Important 'Rules of the Road' to Retirement
Investment Basics: A 401(k) Checkup
The Latte Factor: How to Save Money
Investor Optimism's Effect on the Stock Market
Investment Basics: A Better Way To Use Your Tax Refund
Investment Basics: Understanding Your 401(k)
Investment Basics: Keep It Positive
Investment Basics: Exploring the Investment World
Investment Basics: A Financial Action Plan for the Future
Investment Basics: What is the Meaning of Yield in Finance?
Investment Basics: The Gain-Loss Game
The Road to Tax Reform Is Just Beginning
Investment Basics: Mutual Funds - The Selection Process
Mind The Gap
Investment Basics: Meandering Through the Mutual Fund Maze
College and Retirement: Can You Save for Both Goals?
Investment Basics: Put the Past in Perspective
Reducing Taxes Through Tax Loss Harvesting
If The Unexpected Happens, Who's Your Financial Backup?
An Annual Wellness Exam That Can Actually Save You Money
Investment Basics: Reading the Signs
Learning From The Past
Investment Basics: Financial Info - Be Ready To Grab and Go!
4 Costly Misconceptions About Women And Retirement
Estate Planning: When Writing Your Will Won't Be Enough
Seeing is Believing: Why Compounding Delivers Magical Results
Top 12 Questions People Ask About Retirement Withdrawals